Easiest Way to Training Delicious Tajik style beef and veg soupCheap

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Best Tajik style beef and veg soup on sale.

Tajik style beef and veg soup You wrap up simmering bake Tajik style beef and veg soup applying 8 method and 7 steps. Here you go do the trick.

program of Tajik style beef and veg soup

  1. use 200 g of beef (i used chuck today).
  2. a little 1 of onion.
  3. a little 1.5 of potato.
  4. use 1.5 of carrot.
  5. use 1/2-1 tbsp of salt.
  6. also 1-2 of cumin seed.
  7. give 800-1000 ml of water.
  8. also of dil, spring onions or any herbs.

Tajik style beef and veg soup instructions

  1. Slice or chop onion and add it with beef and water in the pot..
  2. First set it at middle fire, until being boiled..
  3. Skim the foam until it gets clear..
  4. While boiling the soup for 10-15 mins, chop carrots and potatoes. (i prefer slightly bigger size).
  5. Add carrots first, boil 5-10 mins and add potatoss.
  6. Add salt and cumin seed accordingly and keep on boiling at gentle fire for approx 20mins..
  7. Add dil or spring onions as you like..