Recipe: Perfect Cheese Halawa حلاوه الجبنه النابلسيهComparison

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Bonus Cheese Halawa حلاوه الجبنه النابلسيه pre-owned. Hegazy Metkal - Bos Ala Al Halawa Song حجازى متقال - أغنية بص على الحلاوه كلمات وألحان : الريس متقال توزيع : بهاء حسنى. Arbi Halawa - Halawa is actually an Arabic dish even the word halawa is an Arabic word meaning sweetness.

Cheese Halawa حلاوه الجبنه النابلسيه You effect browning fry Cheese Halawa حلاوه الجبنه النابلسيه practicing 6 ingredients as well as 3 than. Here is how you take care of.

method of Cheese Halawa حلاوه الجبنه النابلسيه

  1. give 1/2 cup of powder rice.
  2. then 3 cup of water.
  3. add 1/4 cup of rose water.
  4. give 11/2 cup of mazzoralla cheese.
  5. This 6 package of Splenda or 1/2 cup sugar.
  6. This 1/8 teaspoon of mastic gum.

Cheese Halawa حلاوه الجبنه النابلسيه gradually

  1. Over medium heat stir the rice powder with water till start boiling.
  2. Add the sugar and mix add the rose water and cheese cook for 5 minutes add the mastic gum and mix.
  3. Serve hot or cold topped with almonds or whipped cream enjoy.