Recipe: Tasty Triple Chocolate Crinkle CookiesQuicker

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Triple Chocolate Crinkle Cookies You succeed grilling broil Triple Chocolate Crinkle Cookies applying 12 method also 6 along with. Here is how you carry out.

method of Triple Chocolate Crinkle Cookies

  1. add 150 gr of brown sugar.
  2. then 2 of large eggs (room temperature).
  3. add 200 gr of butter (don’t use margarine).
  4. also 90 gr of cocoa powder (van houten).
  5. This 130 gr of all purpose flour.
  6. This 3 tsp of cornstarch.
  7. use 1 tsp of vanilla essence.
  8. Prepare 1 tsp of baking powder.
  9. also 1/2 tsp of salt.
  10. also of Chopped nuts (as desired).
  11. a little bars of Chopped dark chocolate.
  12. give of Dark chocolate chips.

Triple Chocolate Crinkle Cookies technique

  1. Mix together butter and sugar (you can melt the butter but wait until it cools down) mixing it using mixer until it blended.
  2. Put eggs one at a time, add flour, cornstach, baking soda, vanilla essence, cocoa powder, salt mix it well.
  3. In a tray chop some nuts and dark chocolate, since I am a chocolate lover so I add another choco chips to the cookies (Triple chocolate! Yeay 😂) then put it to the cookies mixture.
  4. The mixture should be in a dough consistency, if it’s too dry then you can add more butter. Shape the dough into a ball put it in a cookie tray.
  5. Preheat oven for 180C. Bake for 15 min until crispy.
  6. Let it cool for a little bit, then put it in a airtight container. It can last up to 1 week.