Where can i buy Treat Perfect Soybean Flour SnacksSimple

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Big Soybean Flour Snacks overstock.

Soybean Flour Snacks You operate roasting poach Soybean Flour Snacks using 3 modus operandi together with 6 and. Here you are rack up.

procedure of Soybean Flour Snacks

  1. then 3 of cm Daikon radish.
  2. This 2 tbsp of Kinako.
  3. You need 1 of to 2 tablespoons Sugar.

Soybean Flour Snacks ingredients

  1. Cut the daikon (raw) into 5 - 6 mm cubes and add to a bowl. Add the soybean flour and sugar, and without using utensils, mix together as if sifting to coat..
  2. Caution: If you add the soybean flour first then the sugar, it won't coat, so be sure to do both at the same time..
  3. Please use the center of the daikon. This should reduce the daikon flavor..
  4. But if you cut from the ends, and you feel it's spicy, then add a shake of cinnamon (plus a lot of sugar)..
  5. After a while, moisture will come out and it'll turn into a paste. Then add more soybean flour if you like. Don't add sugar, just the soybean flour, and it'll be delicious..
  6. If it becomes watery, just keep adding flour and repeat. The 5 mm corners will eventually turn into 1 cm corners?! You'll have large pieces as well. But this will multiply the deliciousness..