Recipe: Perfect Egg Sandwich with snacks#themechallengeLow cost

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Big Egg Sandwich with snacks#themechallenge for cheap.

Egg Sandwich with snacks#themechallenge You close baking spoil Egg Sandwich with snacks#themechallenge applying 8 modus operandi including 6 together with. Here is how you win.

modus operandi of Egg Sandwich with snacks#themechallenge

  1. also 6 slices of bread.
  2. add 3 of Eggs.
  3. give to taste of Salt.
  4. also Pinch of black pepper.
  5. also of Abit of dhania.
  6. Prepare 1/4 cup of milk.
  7. You need 2 tbsp of grated cheese.
  8. give of Some butter to cook the eggs.

Egg Sandwich with snacks#themechallenge instructions

  1. In a bowl, crack the eggs. Add salt, pepper,dhania,milk,cheese. Mix well.
  2. Take bread slices butter them. Keep aside.
  3. Put the pan on medium heat add butter. Once melted add some of the egg mixture. Cover let this cook. Once done flip over.
  4. Then again when cooked transfer to a plate. Cut into big pieces & assemble on the bread.
  5. Continue like this with the rest of the egg..
  6. Once done. Cut into triangles & serve ketchup & with some snacks.. Like crisps, biscuits, also some juice.