Recipe: Appetizing Potato Pizza Egg😊Easily

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Brand name Potato Pizza Egg😊 online.

Potato Pizza Egg😊 You go for it broiling spoil Potato Pizza Egg😊 accepting 5 program as a consequence 3 steps. Here is how you effect.

modus operandi of Potato Pizza Egg😊

  1. also 3 of small potato.
  2. This 3 of eggs.
  3. also Pinch of salt.
  4. You need Dash of white pepper.
  5. also of Cooking oil.

Potato Pizza Egg😊 prescription

  1. Wash and peel potato, cut into circles. Boil for 5 mins then drain it and set aside.
  2. Crack eggs add white pepper and salt continue beating. Then add potatoes.
  3. Heat a pan and add oil. Then fry egg mixture.