Recipe: Delicious Aloo cheese paneer marble GotiMethod

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Build Aloo cheese paneer marble Goti website.

Aloo cheese paneer marble Goti You accomplish browning steep Aloo cheese paneer marble Goti applying 10 compound together with 3 together with. Here is how you attain.

ingredients of Aloo cheese paneer marble Goti

  1. then 3 of boiled potatoes.
  2. also 1/2 of cheese cube grated.
  3. use 1/2 cup of paneer grated.
  4. use 1 spoon of pepper powder.
  5. a little 1/2 spoon of aamchur powder.
  6. use 1 spoon of salt.
  7. This 1/2 spoon of origano.
  8. use 1/2 spoon of chilli flakes.
  9. You need 1 spoon of cornflour.
  10. use as required of Oil for frying.

Aloo cheese paneer marble Goti method

  1. Mixed all the ingredients grated in a bowl and mixed all the herbs salt and grated pepper powder..
  2. And mixed well and mashed to mix with potatoes cheese and paneer..
  3. And finally make small smooth balls and fried in a low flame till it becomes crispy and golden brown in colour..