Recipe: Perfect Marsala RiceLow priced

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

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Marsala Rice You be responsible browning toast Marsala Rice applying 6 prescription so 3 as a consequence. Here you are cook.

instructions of Marsala Rice

  1. add 3 tablespoons of pork lard.
  2. then 1/2 stick of butter.
  3. then 1 cup of rice.
  4. a little 3-1/2 cups of water.
  5. This To taste of salt.
  6. use 1/2 cup of masala wine.

Marsala Rice singly

  1. Melt the lard and get hot. Add the rice and get most of it brown. Stirring often for about 12 minutes. Now add 2-1/2 cups of water and salt. Bring to a slight simmer..
  2. It's time to add the marsala. Simmer 12 minutes stirring occasionally. Now add the butter. Stir it in as it melts. When melted and it's simmering again add last cup of water..
  3. Simmer till craters form and bubbling occurs, add lid and remove from heat. Let sit undisturbed for 15-20 minutes. Serve I hope you enjoy!!.