Recipe: Perfect Mug Muffins with gummy bearsInstruction

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Big Mug Muffins with gummy bears site.

Mug Muffins with gummy bears You prepare heating steam Mug Muffins with gummy bears using 8 prescription also 8 along with. Here you are carry out.

compound of Mug Muffins with gummy bears

  1. a little cup of Self Raising Flour,1/2.
  2. then cup of Milk,1/2.
  3. Prepare of Gummy bears.
  4. add of Water, till needed.
  5. use tablespoons of Sugar,3.
  6. use of Mints, optional for decoration.
  7. use of Sparkling sugar, optional for decoration.
  8. also drops of Vanilla essence,10.

Mug Muffins with gummy bears technique

  1. Mix the dry ingredients together.
  2. Mix the wet ingredients together separately.
  3. Add them together.
  4. Put the mixture into a microwavable mug/cup.
  5. Microwave the mug/cup for 1-2 minutes.
  6. Take out and add gummy bears.
  7. Microwave the mug/cup again for about 10-15 seconds.
  8. Add a mint and enjoy/serve!!(ʘᴗʘ✿).