How do Tutorial Appetizing Easy Chicken Ramen 🍜Method

Delicious, fresh and tasty.

Achieve Easy Chicken Ramen 🍜 website.

Easy Chicken Ramen 🍜 You fix frying coddle Easy Chicken Ramen 🍜 working 10 method than 6 along with. Here you go reach.

method of Easy Chicken Ramen 🍜

  1. a little of Noodles.
  2. use 1 packet of Thai powdered soup.
  3. add to taste of Salt.
  4. then of Tomato sauce.
  5. use of Soya sauce.
  6. also of Paprika powder.
  7. add of Lemon.
  8. You need 1 table spoon of Ginger garlic paste.
  9. add 1 of Chicken breast.
  10. a little of Boiled egg.

Easy Chicken Ramen 🍜 ingredients

  1. Boil and strain noodles.
  2. Cook the soup with 1½ cup of water. Add salt, paprika powder, lemon to your taste..
  3. Marinate chicken breast with ginger garlic paste, lemon, salt, paprika powder, tomato sauce, soya sauce for 10 minutes and pan fry it..
  4. Add noodles and chicken pieces to the soup..
  5. Decorate it with boiled egg and things you prefer..
  6. Enjoy 😊.